Friday, January 22, 2010

Proroguing parliament facebook

This 4th comment by me concentrates upon the modern ease of communication. Apparently thousands of people have noticed within a few days the effort by one person to mobilize others about an issue he feels important re; our government's allegedly unnecessary reduction of activity. Whether you agree with the idea, or not, one cannot discount the relative ease of finding like-minded people about a point that one is interested in. That can now happen also about actual issues or laws that are ultimately propounded by government. These latter decisions are what actually affect you - in your daily life.
What my book - YOU Can Control Your Government emphasizes is how in many up-to-date, free and well-run societies, when enough citizens want to have a real say upon an issue (normally ten % who sign a petition within a few months) the group potentially affected can actually force a vote via referendums upon such decisions. We, in our municipality, our province, our country should be able to do it also. It is now very easy to communicate to large numbers, very quickly. Progress is not going to be deleteriously affected by letting our literate people democratically vote upon those affairs they are anxious about. Indeed democracy, and the proper running of our society will be improved.

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