Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rights of citizens being trampled upon by judges.

So many recent issues - which could be determined by citizens, through their votes. If only we had the right to do so. Talk about democratic "rights" and the 30th anniversary of the charter of rights. Where within it does it give to the Canadian citizens, if enough are concerned about the issue, to vote democratically to see if their concern is shared by a majority of others? The only groups to which the charter gives power are unelected judges.
And so, how about them just the other day declaring prostitution a right; and also, giving a right to heroin users free access to centres at which to indulge their terrible habit? And of course all women must have a right to abort their expected daughter if they wish (now that they can have a right to know(?), of the expected sex long before the date of birth).
Maybe some or all of those issues are indeed favoured by a majority of Canadians. If so, in a democracy wherein by definition the majority of citizens should be the rulers, those matters could be part of the law. But, not yet in Ontario, or Canada, are we allowed that sort of right to decide. Is this the 21st century , or are we still mired back in 1867 - or even 1982?