Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ireland votes via a referendum to maintain a senate.

     Talk about the Canadian senate; the people in Ireland clearly want to keep theirs. Just this past week they voted in large numbers in a referendum - to keep it. This was despite the governing party strongly supporting its abolition. Although a deep disappointment to the leaders in Ireland, the people have "spoken" and the government has agreed to follow their wishes. It will be overhauled , it seems, to improve its methods. But, it will be kept as a sort of watchdog over the moves of whatever government is in power.
     Such is the power and influence of a referendum; the voice of democracy - the power of the people; - as it should be.
     Just why cannot our people require a better form of participation - to vote in referendums? When will a party as part of its policy include the right of our people - under important, constraints, to vote on issues? It is being done in more and  more parts of the world. And, it  could certainly reduce  the wild, and increasingly disrupting  demonstrations that some people feel  are the only way to obtain a voice in what is going on.
     Congratulations Ireland! Your voice has been heard - and listened to, without requiring a new election, or any  disruption in the way the country is governed. Real democracy - it works!

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