Friday, June 22, 2012

Geneva, Switzerland, and troublesome protests

Did you know that in Geneva, Switzerland, a bastion of Direct Democracy, they held in March a   referendum upon a seeming popular subject; - the  disruptions caused by "protest" movements. The people voted by referendum to allow their government to fine organizers who do not obtain   approvals for a demonstration. The amount of the potential fine is Sw.F 100,000. That is not very dissimilar to what Quebec's legislature  ultimately had to do to get some control of the anarchy disturbing that province by masses of students who thought they had some sort of entitlement to cheap education.
Such a much better manner to handle rebellions. Determine what the majority wish by letting them have a referendum on the subject. But, do it before the issue gets out of hand.  Might  Ontario  some day attain such a level of democratic action, before it becomes unduly disrupted?

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