Sunday, November 27, 2011

Direct Democracy Is just waiting to break out!

Nov. 27 2011; Finally, I am back at the blog, again.
By far the most interesting new aspect of Direct Democracy has been the "occupy" movement that we have heard about all over the world. Of course, with respect, the methods they have pursued have been ridiculous, to the extreme. But their aspirations - for a more functioning democracy can hardly be criticized. Probably almost all of us would like to see that happen. Why then, not pursue the direct democracy methods of the few jurisdictions that do utilize it - well ? Such as Oregon, one of some 20 states in the US which has the process; or best - why not follow Switzerland, where most municipalities and all cantons and the country itself permit the people, if enough sign a petition, to question effectively the decisions of their elected government? And those jurisdictions function very effectively!
They have tried and true procedures, worked upon over many generations which could be imported almost anywhere, anywhere that the people are educated enough that most can read.
Surely the time has come that that process should be implemented within the laws of our country. I will follow this up with more details shortly.

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