Sunday, March 14, 2010

Iceland's vote results:

On March 7, 62% of Icelandic citizens voted in a referendum to counter the result of their parliament's decision in January. In terrible weather some 90% of them voted in opposition to their government's decision to reimburse England and Netherlands which in turn had compensated some 400,000 of their own citizens. That compensation ultimately amounted to some $15,000 per Icelandic citizen. The whole issue related to the failure of two Icelandic banks which had provided some temporary high interest to a large number of hopeful, foreign investors. When the banks crashed in 2008, the governments of England and Netherlands had reimbursed the depositors. In turn those countries had expected to be reimbursed by Iceland.
The icelandic parliament had by a narrow margin agreed. The Icelandic citizens did not see why they should become indebted for such goings-on.
Negotiations will have to be renewed. IMF assistance to the hard-pressed country and its possible inclusion into the European Union may depend upon an ultimate resolution of the problem.
But, the citizens clearly expressed their opposition to the initial solution in a carefully worded, simple ballot explaining the situation and asking for a Yes or No answer.
This is a very simple use of Direct Democracy.
Why do not we have such possibilities about aspects of life in Canada? Read my book - YOU Can Control Your Government. It explains how such citizen involvements can be accomplished here, just as in other countries, such as Iceland.

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