Wednesday, March 16, 2011

B.C. Referendum History

Information recently obtained from former B.C. Prime Minister Bill Vander Zalm has brought me up to date on just how it obtained Direct Democracy rights there.
It seems that back in 1990 the Socred Party government promised to introduce Direct Democracy in B.C.. They invited two experts from California to their annual convention to describe the method. Such method of referendums had been used in California since the early 1900's.
And so, the Party decided to ask their people whether they wanted such. Two questions were designed; one about the right to recall sitting members, and the other the right to propose questions to the government which it must submit to voters by referendum. (a referendum to see whether they wanted referendums).
The total cost of the questions was 1.7 million dollars. The cost included information pamphlets, advertising, toll-free information phone lines, and costs for actually running the questions.
Over 80% of the people said - yes to both questions, with turnout being just a bit less than in a general election.
Bill V. said that to get it implemented in Ontario we must get a political party to include it within its written party policy. How can we do that? Well, somehow one must influence the party members to persuade their elected members.
That is no easy task - but with effort and time it is surely a worthwhile endeavor. Hope you can help.
I will describe the motivation towards the whole idea in B.C. in another blog.

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